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Ingrandire le immagini L-CARNITINE STAR
45,00 €
Codice: #50211
Il contenuto del: 500 ml
Prezzo:  45,00  €
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L-CARNITINE LIQUID contains in 500 ml 35.000 mg patented L-carnitine CARNIPURE of pure high quality from Swiss brand LONZA. Biologically active is just this L-form of carnitine, D-form is ineffective and lowers the usability of L-form. 100% pure L-carnitine is made by patented biochemical process.

Anti-stress vitamin B5, pantothenic acid, as part of the coenzyme A (CoA) improves metabolism of the L-carnitine. Trivalent chrome suppresses sweet tooth, raises insulin usage and its ability to regulate glucose level in blood and by that it contributes to lowering the overweight.

Effective dose of L-carnitine:

  • Supports fat burning and prevents of its storing
  • Raises performance during intensive training preparation
  • Suppresses physiological signs of fatigue
  • Accelerates regeneration after the physical performance

Main function of L-Carnitine is transport of free fatty acids to mitochondrion, where the transformation of fats into the usable energy takes place. Thanks to this, it supports burning of fat stock of your body and positively influences your intense performance.

L-carnitine was discovered at the beginning of 20th century in meat, name was derived from this (caro, carnis = meat) and today it belongs to the most popular „fat burners“. It is a natural substance, that is present in human body and even in the food. Even though L-carnitine raises performance, it is not considered as doping. Its primary function is transfer of long chain fatty acids from cytosol via mitochondrion membranes by „carnitine-transport-shuttle" into mitochondrion, where comes to its β-oxidation (burning of fats) and production of energy for muscular work.

L-CARNITINE LIQUID contains in 500 ml 35.000 mg patented L-carnitine CARNIPURE of pure high quality from Swiss brand LONZA. Biologically active is just this L-form of carnitine, D-form is ineffective and lowers the usability of L-form. 100% pure L-carnitine is made by patented biochemical process.

Anti-stress vitamin B5, pantothenic acid, as part of the coenzyme A (CoA) improves metabolism of the L-carnitine. Trivalent chrome suppresses sweet tooth, raises insulin usage and its ability to regulate glucose level in blood and by that it contributes to lowering the overweight.

Effective dose of L-carnitine:

  • Supports fat burning and prevents of its storing
  • Raises performance during intensive training preparation
  • Suppresses physiological signs of fatigue
  • Accelerates regeneration after the physical performance

Main function of L-Carnitine is transport of free fatty acids to mitochondrion, where the transformation of fats into the usable energy takes place. Thanks to this, it supports burning of fat stock of your body and positively influences your intense performance.

L-carnitine was discovered at the beginning of 20th century in meat, name was derived from this (caro, carnis = meat) and today it belongs to the most popular „fat burners“. It is a natural substance, that is present in human body and even in the food. Even though L-carnitine raises performance, it is not considered as doping. Its primary function is transfer of long chain fatty acids from cytosol via mitochondrion membranes by „carnitine-transport-shuttle" into mitochondrion, where comes to its β-oxidation (burning of fats) and production of energy for muscular work.

Istruzioni per l´uso

Drink 1 measuring spoon 20 ml (just 24 kJ!) or add into prepared drink. Athletes, vegetarians, elderly people and overweight people 1 dose (20 ml) a day, for normal population 1/2 of dose (10 ml) is enough.

We recommend serve one-shot 20 ml dose prior to the physical output to athletes. Those who want to lose weight, shall take 10 ml in morning and next 10 ml during a day, for best prior to training. To vegetarians and elderly people, that have lower L-carnitine level in blood, we recommend 1 dose (20 ml) in morning
Nutritional values

Nutritional dates in 100 ml %RI*/ in 20 ml %RI*/
100ml 1 dose 20 ml
Energy content kJ 119 1% 24 0%
kcal 28 5,6
Fats g <0,1 0% <0,1 0%
from that saturated fatty acids g - 0% - 0%
Saccharides g <0,1 0% <0,1 0%
from that sugars g - 0% - 0%
Proteins g 7 14% 1,4 3%
Salt g 0 0% 0 0%
L-carnitine mg 7 000 1 400
Pantothenic acid mg 50 833%** 10 166%**
Chromium 3+ µg 200 500%** 40 100%**
Reference intake of an average adult (8 400kJ/ 2 000kcal)
**% daily reference intake values

Drink 1 measuring spoon 20 ml (just 24 kJ!) or add into prepared drink. Athletes, vegetarians, elderly people and overweight people 1 dose (20 ml) a day, for normal population 1/2 of dose (10 ml) is enough.

We recommend serve one-shot 20 ml dose prior to the physical output to athletes. Those who want to lose weight, shall take 10 ml in morning and next 10 ml during a day, for best prior to training. To vegetarians and elderly people, that have lower L-carnitine level in blood, we recommend 1 dose (20 ml) in morning
Nutritional values

Nutritional dates in 100 ml %RI*/ in 20 ml %RI*/
100ml 1 dose 20 ml
Energy content kJ 119 1% 24 0%
kcal 28 5,6
Fats g <0,1 0% <0,1 0%
from that saturated fatty acids g - 0% - 0%
Saccharides g <0,1 0% <0,1 0%
from that sugars g - 0% - 0%
Proteins g 7 14% 1,4 3%
Salt g 0 0% 0 0%
L-carnitine mg 7 000 1 400
Pantothenic acid mg 50 833%** 10 166%**
Chromium 3+ µg 200 500%** 40 100%**
Reference intake of an average adult (8 400kJ/ 2 000kcal)
**% daily reference intake values


Water, L-carnitine base, acidity regulator: citric acid, aroma, lemon aroma (preservatives E414, E445) (just lemon flavor), calcium pantothenate, natural colorant beta-carotene (just orange flavor), sweetener sucralose and acesulfame K, preserving additives potassium sorbate, sodium benzoate, natural colorant carmin acid (just flavor variety forest fruits), chromium(III) chloride.

Water, L-carnitine base, acidity regulator: citric acid, aroma, lemon aroma (preservatives E414, E445) (just lemon flavor), calcium pantothenate, natural colorant beta-carotene (just orange flavor), sweetener sucralose and acesulfame K, preserving additives potassium sorbate, sodium benzoate, natural colorant carmin acid (just flavor variety forest fruits), chromium(III) chloride.

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