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Ingrandire le immagini MCT OIL STAR
Codice: #50250
Il contenuto del: 500 ml
Prezzo:  65,00  €
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You'll appreciate MCT during intensive reduction diets, because it speeds up the metabolism and protects muscle tissue from being wasted away. Unique energy source for body builders during their shaping phase, it protects muscle and provides sufficient amount of energy for training.

  • provides immediately exploitable energy
  • saves glycogene storage for later period
  • protects muscle tissue during reduction diet
  • designated especially for those, who accidentally gain fat!

MCT are special oils with medium length chain of fatty acids. Thanks to this unique molecular structure, absorption of those is really fast, they are not storing in form of storage fat, but on the contrary support its wasting away. Furthermore, MCT do not contain cholesterol, to be able to enter mitochondrion they do not need L-carnitine and provides up to 2x more calories than proteins or sugars. During fission of MCT OIL STAR into energy so called ketones are created, that can eliminate muscles fission. That was first advantage of MCT OIL STAR. The second advantage is advantageous especially for endomorphs, meaning individuals, who easily gain, but together with muscle they gain lot of fat as well, which they have to get rid off. MTC oil can also help them. This speeds up metabolism and "teaches" the body how to burn fats. So with the help of MCT OIL STAR you can gain muscle tissue and burn fats at the same time.

It is used in medicine for quite a long time. Coenzyme Q10 plays significant role during energy production, it supports heart function and as well as vitamin E works as an excellent antioxidant.

MCT OIL STAR has pleasantly light lemon flavor.

Istruzioni per l´uso
First 3 days 1/2 soup spoon (3,5 ml) with main course, than gradually increase dosage up to 1-2 soup spoons (7-15 ml) 30-60 minutes prior the training or race. Body builders in pre-competition period up to 4 soup spoons (30 ml) a day. We recommend pour it even into salads. Use it every time together with meal, never without it. Do not exceed recommended daily dosage, i.e. 4 soup spoons (approximately 30 ml) a day.


Ingredients 15 ml: MCT fats (50-65 % caprylic acid C8:0, 30-45 % capric acid C10:0) 14.000 mg, natural aroma, Vitamin E (DL-alpha-tocopheryl acetate) 10 mg 83 %*, Coenzyme Q10 10 mg.
* % RI (reference intake)

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