A healthy lifestyle – Diet

The nature has established the only limitation for the human species – length of its life, but not restrictions regarding its health. To be healthy, beautiful and full of energy, regardless of age?
Yes, it is possible!

Scientific findings show that the genetic potential of the human body is 120 to 140 years of age.
If, however, we want to live that long (and to the best healthy, beautiful and full of energy ),
we must also do something for it.

Many articles were written about the healthy lifestyle, and there are many views about what's good and what's bad for you. And opinions about what one should and shouldn't do are changing. But forced restrictions or strict methods never lead anywhere. We think the best way is to have "a bit of everything". We eat smaller portions, consume a bit more fibers and vegetables, we dust off our sports shoes and make some exercise, we relax a bit more and we "recharge" ourselves with dietary supplements. Let's be good to ourselves, sincere and disciplined. This is a different way of life, but the results are worth it. Even if we don't look like thirty, but we feel like it!

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We shouldn't forget that we only live once. Smile, think positive, don't overdo anything and use the dietary supplements of STARLIFE.

For centuries the fear of aging and diseases urged people to seek ways to deceive time and the biological clock. Since ancient times alchemists searched for the formula of the elixir of life using various extracts and distillation of herbs. Current scientists rely on the science that studies the causes of aging and health issues.

Dietary supplements create a deposit in Your health account.

Your body uses in health crises. For the time being only religion can guarantee us eternal life, because aging is unavoidable for all of us. In order to be able to extend in good health the time we have been given to us mortals by nature, we can only use the proven earthly methods for a long and healthy life. One of these methods is to take care of our health, every day.

Health is our most valuable treasure, thus we need to treat it with special care. Unfortunately we only become aware of this fact when our health begins to degenerate rapidly.
Health is paramount. Are you sure you think the same about yourself? When comparing the behaviors of different people we could have the feeling that most people work only to spend their saved money on their recovery.

Especially elders tend to have the conviction that our health should be looked after by health professionals. But are healthcare services capable of really providing good health to people, considering that the physician is only able to treat a disease that exhibits symptoms?
Conventional treatment addresses mainly pathologic disorders, and offers treatment based on medicines and surgery. Physicians usually only step in when the body is unable to heal itself. The real fight for health always takes place on the doorstep of the physician's practice. Good health is always the result of the good choices of prevention, in the broader sense, and it largely depends on us. The human body can self-adjust, and can heal itself.
It is true that we haven't been given health forever, and its condition changes over the years. It can deteriorate, but we can also damage it, or even lose it definitively. On the other hand, we can protect our health and even strengthen it. We can invest in our health just as we invest in education, hobbies or wealth. The healthy body and healthy mind, the youthful energy and peace can last all our life, regardless of age.
But what is then the cause for the deterioration of our health?
Why is it that our organs age and lose some functions over time?

Don't forget! Nature has set a limit for the lifespan of humans,
but no limit for their health.

Disease is the symptom of a body's weakness, caused by the adverse factors of the environment and lifestyle, while being under constant stress. Along the millions of years of its evolution, humans had to adapt to the conditions of the external environment. Up to our times the health risks were predictable. They were related mainly to frost and thirst, heat and cold. The new millennium has brought radical changes. Due to the development of civilization and technical progress, thousands of chemicals that potentially endanger human health have appeared. Our body must fight the toxins that it takes in while breathing, eating and drinking, or as medicines. Toxins can deceive us when they invisibly break down the tissues at cellular level. But the body can defeat them.

However, there are limits to the biological tolerance of the body, and the cells begin to deteriorate if these limits are exceeded. The real cause of most health issues is, basically, the constant self-poisoning of the body (toxemia). By poisoning the body new problems occur, for which conventional medicine has not found yet proper treatment. The speed of this process depends on the efficiency of the regeneration processes of the tiniest parts of the body, the cells. The human body consists of millions of cells, perfectly prepared to perform their tasks, if they are provided with all their necessities.
Early aging or diseases occur when certain cells function improperly, they are undersupplied, they lack oxygen or something else hinders their proper functioning. The most frequent causes of all health-related issues in humans are considered the improper diet, stress, sleep disorders, lack of exercise and the bad functioning of the digestive system. If you recognize these facts and you are willing to take the matter of your health into your own hands, you should give your cells everything they need, every day. Then you can be certain that you have insured your life properly.

Each body has the natural and wonderful native ability to heal itself and to maintain itself in good health. In a sense, all it has to do is to release this hidden ability to self-clean and regenerate itself.

When we shape our own life one of the basic conditions is to choose a lifestyle that strengthens and fortifies the body. Physical activity, a varied and balanced diet, maintenance of the body hygiene and inner peace are the basis for that.

Due to the dietary supplements health preservation has become unprecedentedly easy, convenient and efficient.

The dietary supplements of STARLIFE contain unique ingredients that protect and strengthen the body, and improve the quality of life. Based on the holistic approach inspired by nature and enriched with the knowledge of the dietary professionals, health is a source of strength and energy needed by everyone for an active and creative life, as well as for a health that can endure time.

Code Name, description Price  
1195 ACAI COMPLEX STAR, 60 cps - Digestion and immune system support 30,00 $
1199 ACAI EXTRA STAR, 60 sfg - antioxidant, healthy digestion and organism cleansing 30,00 $
1002 ACEROLA PLUS STAR, 120 tbl - chewable tablets
Vitamin C with acerola supporting the immune system
24,00 $
7100 ACIDOPHILUS STAR, 60 cps - healthy functioning of intestinal system 24,00 $
2701 ALFALFA STAR, 60 tbl - strength, digestion and anti-aging 15,00 $
1124 ALOE VERA GEL STAR, 60 sfg - enhances detoxification and regeneration of the body 30,00 $
4525 AMINO 1000 STAR, 60 tbl 30,00 $
1001 ANATOMAX STAR, 60 cps - supports natural anti-inflammatory processes 30,00 $
1133 ANGELICA STAR, 60 cps - helps with female problems 30,00 $
6146 ANIMAL STAR, 60 tbl - children’s multivitamin, multimineral and multiantioxidant supply 33,00 $
1100 ANTI-PARASITE STAR, 60 cps - anti-parasitic and detoxicating effects 39,00 $
6617 ANTI-SWELL STAR, 120 ml - anise, coriander, chamomile – digestion 24,00 $
6633 ANTI-VOMIT STAR, 120 ml - decrease of the feeling of nausea 24,00 $
1125 APPLE VINEGAR STAR, 120 tbl - improves and supports metabolism 30,00 $
7197 ARGICIT AKG STAR, 250 ml - nitrogen + oxygen = nitric oxide (NO) = miracle molecule = Nobel Prize! 218,00 $
7195 ARGICIT DROPS, 50 ml 72,00 $
7198 ARGICIT STAR, 60 cps 60,00 $
7199 ARGICIT STAR, 300 cps 250,00 $
1110 ARTHRIMAX STAR, 60 cps - relieves arthritic aches and pains 27,00 $
6627 ARTICHOKE STAR, 120 ml - artichoke – digestion, healthy liver 27,00 $
7105 BARLEY STAR, 60 tbl - for detoxication and balanced body functions 24,00 $
4511 BCAA STAR, 60 cps - muscle strength and regeneration 27,00 $
7330 B-COMPLEX STAR, 60 tbl - formula containing all types of vitamins B 30,00 $
7110 BETA CAROTENE STAR, 60 sfg - for good vision and skin 21,00 $
1222 BETA GLUCAN STAR, 60 cps - supports and stimulates the immune system 48,00 $
1712 BIOACTIVE B3 NADH STAR, 60 cps 60,00 $
7077 BIOTIN STAR, 120 tbl 24,00 $
2704 BOUNTY STAR, 60 cps - harmonizing female functions 27,00 $
1950 BRAIN STAR, 60 cps - essential brain cell nutrition 60,00 $
1620 BREWERS YEAST STAR, 60 tbl - brewer's yeast for beneficial effects in human body 15,00 $
6734 C 1000 + Zn STAR, 20 tbl 10,00 $
6733 C 2000 STAR, 15 tbl - vitamin C – biological defense 15,00 $
1855 CALCIMAGNE STAR, 500 ml - combo for your bones, muscles and immunity 75,00 $
1854 CALCIMAGNE STAR, 60 ml - combo for your bones, muscles and immunity 15,00 $
6185 CALCIUM STAR, 60 tbl - for healthy and strong bones 18,00 $
6750 CALMAG C STAR, 10 tbl - vitamin C, calcium, magnesium 9,00 $
1857 CalMagZiD3 STAR, 60 tbl 18,00 $
1776 CARNOSINE AKG STAR, 250 ml 234,00 $
1775 CARNOSINE DROPS, 50 ml 78,00 $
1778 CARNOSINE STAR, 300 cps - protects DNA against oxidation 333,00 $
1777 CARNOSINE STAR, 60 cps - protects DNA against oxidation 80,00 $
1120 CARSICO STAR, 60 sfg - dietary supplement with coenzyme Q10, L-carnitine and vitamin E 42,00 $
2776 CARTILAGE STAR, 60 ml - promotes active body movements 13,00 $
2777 CARTILAGE STAR, 500 ml - promotes active body movements 80,00 $
1105 CAYENNE STAR, 60 cps - for better blood circulation 18,00 $
1700 CELL GUARD STAR, 60 cps - antioxidant anti-aging formula 36,00 $
1660 CINNAMON STAR, 60 cps - for healthy digestion and regulation of body weight 21,00 $
1422 CLA 1000 STAR, 60 sfg - balancing immune system activity 30,00 $
1528 CMF 20 STAR, 60 tbl - appetite suppression and energy support for weight-loss programs 36,00 $
1425 COCONUT OIL STAR, 60 sfg - supply of energy, antibacterial effects 27,00 $
1116 COENRECIN Q10 STAR, 60 sfg 90,00 $
1117 COENZYSTAR Q10, 60 sfg - supports cardiovascular health and anti-aging 31,00 $
1119 COENZYSTAR Q10 EXTRA, 60 sfg - coenzyme Q10 and carnitine for healthy cardiovascular system 56,00 $
7570 COLLAGEN STAR, 60 ml - professional skin, hair and nail care 18,00 $
7575 COLLAGEN STAR, 500 ml - professional skin, hair and nail care 100,00 $
1720 COLOSTRUM STAR, 60 cps - balancing immune system activity 55,00 $
1670 COPPER STAR, 120 tbl - Helps in bone formation and red blood cells. 30,00 $
1852 CORAL CALCIUM STAR, 60 cps - Coral Calcium + Magnesium + Vitamin C + Vitamin D 30,00 $
1866 CORDYCEPS AKG STAR, 250 ml 180,00 $
1865 CORDYCEPS DROPS, 50 ml 65,00 $
1889 CORDYCEPS STAR, 300 cps - supplying energy and endurance to work 180,00 $
1888 CORDYCEPS STAR, 60 cps - supplying energy and endurance to work 45,00 $
1111 CRANBERRY STAR, 60 sfg - guarding urinary tract health 21,00 $
4530 CREATINE CAPS STAR, 60 cps 21,00 $
4531 CREATINE CAPS STAR, 300 cps 84,00 $
2606 CURCUMA LONGA STAR, 60 cps - Supports immunity and functions of digestive system 18,00 $
1580 DOLOMITE STAR, 60 tbl 18,00 $
6618 ECHINACEA STAR, 120 ml - biological defense 27,00 $
1240 EMPEROR STAR, 60 tbl - feelings of energy, strength and endurance 39,00 $
1044 ENZYME STAR, 60 cps - a unique combination of digestive enzymes 42,00 $
2755 EVENING PRIMROSE STAR, 60 sfg - for good body functioning and health 33,00 $
1012 EYE STAR, 60 cps - protecting and supporting good vision 45,00 $
1400 FIBER STAR, 60 tbl - herbal fiber with detoxication and regenerative effects 42,00 $
1410 FLAX SEED STAR, 60 sfg - Supports cardiovascular health and nervous system, supplies the whole organism with energy 27,00 $
7154 FOLIC ACID STAR, 120 tbl - an essential vitamin for cell growth and regeneration 18,00 $
1190 GARCINIA STAR, 60 cps - facilitates weight loss 33,00 $
7160 GARLIC PARSLEY STAR, 120 sfg - cardiovascular activity and health 30,00 $
4550 GELATINE STAR, 60 cps 24,00 $
7161 GINGER STAR, 60 cps - for improved digestion and against nausea 21,00 $
7162 GINKGO STAR, 120 tbl - mental performance and circulation 42,00 $
2722 GLUCOSAMINE STAR, 60 cps - preserves joint strength and mobility 33,00 $
1830 GOJI JUICE STAR, 500 ml - unique mixture of antioxidants, immunity, digestion 63,00 $
1861 GOLD STAR, 300 cps - enhances strength, endurance and vitality 180,00 $
1860 GOLD STAR, 60 cps - enhances strength, endurance and vitality 45,00 $
2723 GOTU KOLA STAR, 60 cps - stimulates the central nervous system 27,00 $
1711 GRAPESEED STAR, 60 cps - grape seed 21,00 $
1825 GREEN PUU STAR, 500 ml - unique green mixture for the digestive tract 75,00 $
1166 GREEN TEA STAR, 60 cps - natural essentials for the peace of mind 18,00 $
1644 GREPO STAR, 60 tbl - reduces skin mycosis and allergies 30,00 $
1890 HERBAL STAR, 60 tbl - strengthens the immune system and stimulates the production of anti-bodies 33,00 $
4568 HMB STAR, 60 cps - muscle mass and strength enhancement 33,00 $
7670 HYALURONIC STAR, 60 ml - skin care, eliminates wrinkles and maintains healthy joints and ligaments 16,00 $
7675 HYALURONIC STAR, 500 ml - skin care, eliminates wrinkles and maintains healthy joints and ligaments 82,00 $
1766 CHAGA AKG STAR, 250 ml 180,00 $
1765 CHAGA DROPS, 50 ml 65,00 $
1025 CHITOSAN STAR, 60 cps - weight-loss by controlling fat absorption 39,00 $
2799 CHLORELLA STAR, 60 tbl - supports tissue regeneration, cell growth and division 27,00 $
2712 CHLOROPHYLL DROPS, 50 ml 35,00 $
2713 CHLOROPHYLL DROPS, 200 ml 85,00 $
2710 CHLOROPHYLL JUICE STAR, 500 ml - support of muscles, nerves and heart 75,00 $
2709 CHLOROPHYLL STAR, 60 sfg - regeneration greens 30,00 $
7223 CHOLESAN STAR, 60 cps 40,00 $
7222 CHOLESS STAR, 60 cps - normalizes cholesterol level in blood 30,00 $
7177 CHROMIUM STAR, 120 tbl - proper metabolism and weight-loss 30,00 $
6881 IMMUNE GUMMY STAR, 60 pcs - immunity, vitality 33,00 $
1180 IMMUNITY STAR, 60 cps - enhanced immune activity 36,00 $
4577 INOSINE STAR, 60 cps - enhancing the energy potential 30,00 $
1822 INOSITOL HEXA STAR, 60 cps - stimulates the immune system and defense reactions 33,00 $
4580 INULIN STAR, 60 sfg - a formula for a healthy intestinal system 30,00 $
1577 IRON GT STAR, 60 cps - immune system support, reduction of fatigue and exhaustion 24,00 $
7187 JOINT ACTIVITY STAR, 60 tbl - promotes active body movements 50,00 $
1070 JOINT MOBILITY STAR, 60 cps - regenerating joint mobility 50,00 $
2726 KELP STAR, 120 tbl - a natural resource of iodine and a regulator of metabolic functions 24,00 $
2622 KUDZU STAR, 60 tbl - for alcohol and nicotine addiction 39,00 $
7190 L-ARGININE STAR, 60 cps - tissue regeneration and muscle metabolism 27,00 $
7191 L-ARGININE STAR, 300 cps - tissue regeneration and muscle metabolism 110,00 $
2720 LECITHIN 500 STAR, 60 sfg - regular mental activity, memory improving 18,00 $
1200 LIFE STAR, 60 cps - harmonizes life with anti-stress effects 36,00 $
1790 LIPO SUCCINATE STAR, 60 sfg 33,00 $
7196 L-LYSINE STAR, 60 tbl - bone regeneration and growth 21,00 $
7188 L-TYROSINE STAR, 60 cps 30,00 $
7230 MAGNESIUM + B6 STAR, 60 tbl 26,00 $
5845 MAI-REI SHIITAKE STAR, 60 cps - facilitator of healthy cell vitality 55,00 $
1570 METABOLITE STAR, 60 sfg - food supplement with lecithin, kelp and vitamin B6 supporting nervous system, digestive system and the functioning of the thyroid 21,00 $
2728 MIGRELIFE STAR, 60 cps - resolving migraines and headaches 27,00 $
1900 MINERAL STAR, 500 ml - microcolloidal solution of essential minerals 65,00 $
1916 MINERAL STAR, 60 ml - microcolloidal solution of essential minerals 11,00 $
1835 MIRACLE DROPS, 50 ml 85,00 $
6888 MIX 3 GUMMY, 3×60 pcs - #6881 + #6840 + #6833 33,00 $
1841 MULTI STAR, 60 ml - microcolloidal solution of essential nutrients 13,00 $
1845 MULTI STAR, 500 ml - microcolloidal solution of essential nutrients 80,00 $
6840 MULTIVITAMIN GUMMY STAR, 60 pcs - vitamins, minerals 33,00 $
6619 MULTIVITAMIN STAR, 120 ml - vitamin and mineral supplement 21,00 $
1877 MUMIO STAR, 60 cps 36,00 $
1028 NATTOKINASE STAR, 60 sfg 28,00 $
1875 NONI STAR, 60 cps - For complete harmonization and revitalization of organism 27,00 $
2095 OCUCAR DROPS, 5 ml 48,00 $
2096 OCUCAR DROPS, 10 ml 70,00 $
2730 OMEGA-3 STAR, 60 sfg - regeneration of brain cells and the circulatory system 21,00 $
1414 OREGANO STAR, 60 sfg - efficient natural antibiotic with antimycotic effects 23,00 $
1810 ORGANIC JUICE STAR, 500 ml - juice nobody makes for you 57,00 $
2731 PAU D`ARCO STAR, 60 cps - supporting the immune system 24,00 $
1022 PERILLYL STAR, 60 sfg - helps reduce and relieve allergies 33,00 $
1490 POTASSIUM CHLORIDE STAR, 60 cps 35,00 $
1540 POTASSIUM STAR, 60 tbl - Potassium supporting the function of nervous system and muscles. 15,00 $
7125 PROBIOTIC STAR, 500 ml - healthy intestinal microflora and a strong immune systém 90,00 $
7120 PROBIOTIC STAR, 60 ml - healthy intestinal microflora and a strong immune systém 17,00 $
7211 PROPOLIS STAR, 60 cps 27,00 $
2735 PROTECT STAR, 60 tbl - preventive liver protection for detoxification 36,00 $
7170 PSYLLIUM STAR, 60 cps 21,00 $
1588 RASPBERRY STAR, 120 cps 30,00 $
2736 RED CLOVER STAR, 60 cps - for a overall support of the body 27,00 $
1081 REGEMAX STAR, 60 cps - regeneration formula for bones and muscles 33,00 $
2740 RELAX STAR, 60 cps - relaxation and anti-stress product 24,00 $
2738 RESPIRAL STAR, 60 cps - regenerating respiratory tract strength 27,00 $
1733 RESVERATROL STAR, 60 sfg - antioxidant 32,00 $
7220 ROYAL JELLY STAR, 60 sfg - natural essentials for the peace of mind 24,00 $
2737 ROYAL WALNUT STAR, 60 cps - its anti-bacterial effects help alleviate skin problems 36,00 $
2739 SAW PALMETTO STAR, 60 cps - promotes male prostate health 21,00 $
7232 SELENIUM STAR, 120 tbl - cell regeneration and growth 18,00 $
1707 SERRAPEPTASE STAR, 60 cps 90,00 $
7237 SHOCK STAR, 60 cps - enhancing wound healing 30,00 $
7240 SILICA STAR, 60 cps - supporting collagen and elastin fibre 27,00 $
2744 SILYMARIN STAR, 60 sfg 27,00 $
1690 SLIM FIBER STAR, 60 tbl - for healthy intestinal tract and for feeling of satiety 18,00 $
4540 SPIRULINE 500 STAR, 60 tbl 15,00 $
7235 SQUALENE STAR, 60 sfg - improves the overall physical condition 36,00 $
1450 STAR PLUS, 60 tbl - multivitamin and multimineral for normal regeneration 33,00 $
1008 STAR WOMEN, 60 cps - formula for female confidence 24,00 $
2766 STINGING NETTLE STAR, 60 cps 21,00 $
7244 SUPEROXIDE DISMUTASE STAR, 60 tbl - protects against free radicals 36,00 $
7288 TAURINE 600 STAR, 60 tbl - supports the body during intensive athletic performance 21,00 $
7292 TREND RELAX STAR, 60 tbl - eliminates stress 18,00 $
1667 UNISEX STAR, 60 cps - vigor, energy and zest for life 40,00 $
1112 URINACAI STAR, 60 tbl 48,00 $
1684 VARIXONEL STAR, 60 cps 50,00 $
2725 VILCACORA STAR, 60 cps - activating immune system alertness 24,00 $
7277 VIRGIN OLIVE 500 STAR, 60 sfg - eliminates tumor spreading and lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood 27,00 $
4521 VITAMIN B12, 10 ml - nervous system functions 16,00 $
4522 VITAMIN B12, 50 ml - nervous system functions 35,00 $
7333 VITAMIN C + IRON STAR, 60 cps 35,00 $
7300 VITAMIN C + Zn STAR, 60 cps 20,00 $
7303 VITAMIN C 1000 STAR, 60 tbl - tissue regeneration and anti-aging support 18,00 $
7301 VITAMIN C 500 STAR, 60 tbl 12,00 $
6833 VITAMIN C GUMMY STAR, 60 pcs - vitamin C - defenses of the organism 32,00 $
7302 VITAMIN C PLUS STAR, 500 ml - the body's immunity 54,00 $
7307 VITAMIN D3 CHERRY STAR, 500 ml - immunity, normal condition of bones and muscles 54,00 $
7304 VITAMIN D3 STAR, 120 sfg - Increased immune system and maintaining normal bone and muscle condition 30,00 $
7305 VITAMIN E STAR, 60 sfg - cell regeneration with antioxidative effects 21,00 $
7308 VITAMIN K STAR, 120 tbl - Support for blood clotting and building healthy bones. 24,00 $
7340 VITAMIN K2 STAR, 120 sfg - bone mineralization 48,00 $
1688 WATER PILL STAR, 60 tbl - medicinbal herbs for healthy kidneys and bladder 18,00 $
2742 WILD YAM STAR, 60 cps - harmonizes vitality and rejuvenates 30,00 $
7272 YUCCA STAR, 60 cps - for excellent detoxication and digestion 27,00 $
7225 ZINC STAR, 120 tbl - supporting immunity and enzyme activity 30,00 $
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